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Mini Desktop (Launcher) 3.0.24 - Google Play

About Mini Desktop (Launcher)

New in v2.0! Major performance improvement: - 100% faster - Uses 50% less memory - Apps lock and icon pack Mini Desktop is the most lightweight (250KB) and fastest launcher on Google Play. Despite it's extremely small

New in v2.0! Major performance improvement:
- 100% faster
- Uses 50% less memory
- Apps lock and icon pack

Mini Desktop is the most lightweight (250KB) and fastest launcher on Google Play. Despite it's extremely small app size, Mini Desktop has powerful features. With Mini Desktop, you can create icon packs, quickly search for apps, and lock down your private apps with a password. Also, Mini Desktop allows you to put your favorite apps to the dock for easier access.

Extremely lightweight and fast

Mini Desktop is by far the world's most lightweight and fastest launcher. The second smallest launcher on Google play is 4 times bigger than Mini Desktop, and consumes at least 2 times more memory. Launcher is the application that live in memory most of the time, by using Mini Desktop most of our users found their battery life grow at least 50% longer.

Quickly find apps

Mini Desktop is designed to save your time on finding apps all over different places. Your apps are sorted by usage frequency so that you can quickly find the app you want.

Apps lock

Protect your privacy, enable apps lock to lock down your private apps. Locked apps are password protected. Only you can open these apps.
You can also hide your locked apps, this will further protect your privacy.

Organize your apps

Create groups to better organize your apps. Drag apps on the dock to reorder them. To add apps to a group or remove apps from a group, long press the app and select "Edit Group".

Previous Versions

Here you can find the changelog of Mini Desktop (Launcher) since it was posted on our website on 2017-01-22 12:11:33. The latest version is 3.0.24 and it was updated on 2024-04-22 21:20:59. See below the changes in each version.

Mini Desktop (Launcher) version 3.0.24
Updated At: 2023-08-19
Changes: Create groups (icon packs) Drag to reorder apps in the dock Password lock apps Consumes 50% less memory
Mini Desktop (Launcher) version 2.0.13
Updated At: 2018-07-12
Changes: App badges Create groups (icon packs) Drag to reorder apps in the dock Password lock apps Consumes 50% less memory
Mini Desktop (Launcher) version 1.0.3
Updated At: 2015-06-20
Changes: Hide apps.,Sort apps by usage frequency.

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Official Google Play Link

We do not host Mini Desktop (Launcher) on our servers. We did not scan it for viruses, adware, spyware or other type of malware. This app is hosted by Google and passed their terms and conditions to be listed there. We recommend caution when installing it.

The Google Play link for Mini Desktop (Launcher) is provided to you by apps112.com without any warranties, representations or guarantees of any kind, so access it at your own risk.

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Users Rating:  
  0.0/5     0
Downloads: 11
Updated At: 2024-04-22 21:20:59
Publisher: AtomicAdd Team
Operating System: Android
License Type: Free